The page is an overview of some of the typical charges associated with Bay Eye Care's premium services. All consultations include complimentary biomicroscope imaging of the front of your eyes.
Comprehensive Consultation $159, typically 1 hour duration for a new patient.
Comprehensive Consultation (Child <16 years) $149
Shorter Consultations, including acute/emergency visits: $85 - $129 depending on duration. ACC subsidy of $57.50 may apply in the case of injury.
Dry Eye or Blepharitis Assessment $249 (includes specialty dry eye testing and tear-film analysis, such as TearLab Tear Chemistry Testing)
Myopia Control Assessment $189 (includes corneal shape measurement and eye length measurement)
New Contact Lens Assessment $189 (includes corneal shape measurement)
Keratoconus Assessment $189 (includes corneal shape measurement and corneal thickness measurement with anterior OCT scan)
Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Pilot's Special Eye Examination $209 (includes pupil dilation and report preparation)
Families with a community services card may be eligible to have some or all of their consultation covered by the Enable subsidy from the government for children 15 years of age or younger.
Retinal OCT Scan including Retinal Photography: $128 (50% off for Super Gold Card and Community Services Card holders)
Corneal Shape Measurement (Topography): $69
Visual Field Testing: $99
Eye Length Measurement with IOL Master: $69 (used for myopia control monitoring)
TearLab Tear Chemistry Testing: $79 (used for diagnosis and follow-up of dry eye disease)
For more information visit our Technology at Bay Eye Care page.
Specialty Treatments
IPL Treatment Programme for Dry Eye: $949 (includes 3 treatments over 6 weeks + follow-up consultation including TearLab Tear Chemistry Testing)
Lipiflow Thermal Pulsation treatment for Dry Eye: $1149 (includes single treatment session + follow-up consultation including TearLab Tear Chemistry Testing)
Combination Lipiflow + IPL Programme for Moderate-Severe Dry Eye: $1749 (includes 4 treatment sessions + follow-up consultation including TearLab Tear Chemistry Testing)
BlephEx Treatment for Blepharitis: $149
Tear Drainage Flush (aka Lacrimal Lavage): $129
Orthokeratology Fitting: from $990 (includes all appointments for 6 months and starter kit of solutions. Does not include lenses)
Specialty Contact Lenses
Orthokeratology Lenses: $550-$600 each (depending on the complexity of the lens required for your eye)
Scleral Lenses: $800 each
Rigid Corneal Lens: $500 each
Note: These prices are for a full-warranty lens, which includes alterations to the lens design during the first 3 months of lens fitting at no additional charge. A straight replacement of a lens is 75% of the full price, and a spare lens can be arranged at 50% of the full price if organised within 3 months of the original fitting.
Patients with keratoconus, corneal disease or very high prescriptions may be eligible for the Ministry of Health Contact Lens Subsidy. This covers a significant portion of fitting charges and lens costs. A surcharge will apply for the remainder.
Bay Eye Care reserves the right to alter these charges at any time. Prices include GST. Last updated Feb 2025.
A snapshot of the array of specialty eye testing and technology that we use at Bay Eye Care.